Our Moderator

David Yearout is an experienced Market Researcher and Focus Group Moderator with more than 19 years Market Research experience. Trained at the RIVA Institute, he has conducted more than 400 focus groups and in-depth interviews on topics ranging from:
- Advertising concepts
- New product development
- Customer service and satisfaction
- Problem determination
- Employee satisfaction, compensation and process improvement
- Corporate strategy
David has experience working with clients in the telecom (wireline and wireless), publishing, entertainment, and electronics space.
Respondents find him extremely easy to talk to and he quickly gains their respect and trust. He brings a high level of energy to each session, keeping respondents engaged from beginning to end resulting in meaningful feedback on a variety of topics.
David has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Baker University and has worked on the vendor side for Valentine Radford Research Group, Market Directions, the Lysis Group, and Sprint Marketing Research Services and on the client side for Sprint, Embarq and CenturyLink.
David began his training as a moderator long before ever stepping into a focus group facility by leading the evening dinner discussions as a child … “Around The Table”.